Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lessons and Routines

I think I'm starting to get into the routine of things with my lessons and balancing composition and playing techniques. I think it's okay if I don't play for my teacher or with him in every lesson, because sometimes it's more efficient to use the time to get my teacher's input on things I'm having difficulty with.

This last lesson he asked me what did I do for the two weeks between lessons. I was pleased with that question because it allowed me to say what I had been working on, which was quite a bit, as it turned out. I think I may start keeping a list, however, so I can remember all the things I worked on. Also, during the two weeks it may help me to stick to fewer projects so that I can do better at those I work on.

I'm enjoying the composition part of the lessons, but I worry about neglecting the playing part. I have to separate my practices so that I'm spending enough time practicing playing. Then maybe I can add the composition practice at another time.