Thursday, June 2, 2022

So yesterday Elden gave me some assignments that he wants me to do regularly, if not every day.

1.  To do composing directly from my head--that is, as soon as a musical idea occurs to me, I should write it down, record it in some way immediately. Then put it into MuseScore later. But DO NOT add anything after that. The next thing that is added should once again come out of my head directly. 

So the next time I'm doing a technique exercise and some musical idea occurs to me, I should write it down as soon as it drops out of my head--usually because I'm singing it.

    I like this idea. Usually I have all kinds of musical thoughts that occur to me when I'm practicing some little exercise.  I tried it this morning with my usual stretching exercise, in which I repeatedly play the first four measures of the Bach Prelude (arr. by Elden). Sometimes I sing during that, whatever comes to mind. So today I wrote down what I was singing, then later I transcribed it into MuseScore, along with the stretching chords. Then I put my vocal piece into a clarinet staff and played it together. It sounds a bit simple but it's also kind of cool. I wanted to add more but I stopped myself, because that's a violation of the rules of this game. Fun!! Can't wait to do it again!

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