Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Imagine an Audience. Imagine! An Audience!

Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted here, but I've been doing a lot of private journaling about music in the meantime. Since the last post I've learned quite a bit and my fingers are getting more agile and stre-e-e-etching to accommodate some of the more far-flung chords! Plus, I've upped my lessons to once a week and my practices to 1.5 to 2 hrs per day. That last change alone has produced very gratifying results!

From 3Q Digital
Today I was explaining to my instructor that I write blogs about many things, and one of the reasons I write them is to keep my writing skills sharp. And even though hardly anyone besides me reads my blogs, I benefit by writing to an audience, however imaginary they might be.

When I got to thinking about that today, I realized that one way I can get used to playing for an audience is to start recording myself playing and then to post the video to this blog! In so doing, I will learn to play with an audience in mind! Now, I don't intend to post all the practices, especially not the bad ones. But if I strive to play to an audience, then those performances that do come out well I can share with any blog readers that might stumble upon them.

It's a scary thought, but I'm going to try it! Soon . . . 

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